X-Men ’97 Review

What can I say about X-Men ’97? “Wow” comes to mind, frankly. When it was announced I assumed it would just be a fun nostalgia cash-in, and that was fine (hell it got me to re-watch the whole original show and review it here on the site!) but what I got instead was the cast of the original show pushed forward into not just a show with modern visuals and flare but also one with a far more serious tone that wasn’t afraid to shy away from the more extreme look at the themes from the show / comics and throw in the odd bit of bloody violence or other more “not very 90s cartoon-y” bits, yet also made sure to still have some fun with the dialogue and kept the cheesy stories and costumes from the source material. It’s both a nostalgic sequel to a beloved show and a very modern adaptation of some great X-Men comic storylines. To say it overachieved would be an understatement! Let’s take a look.

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